After having several rabbits, frogs and mice getting stuck in our egress window wells, Tracy and I decided we needed to do something about it.
Here are the plans I drew up prior to making the covers. They are 60" on the wide end, 50" on the narrow end, and 38" long.
/---------------------60 inch------------------------/
I started searching at Menards and on the internet for covers that would fit our window wells. This is what I found. THEY ARE VERY EXPENSIVE!
This is what our wells look like.
The only thing I could find that would fit was a min. of $250.00 each and we needed two of them.
I went to work on coming up with something that would, keep animals from falling into the well, still allow natural light in, and look nice.
I toyed with making them out of wood and plexiglass. In order to get a piece of plexiglass thick enough to be safe was around $200.00 to make the two covers we needed.
I decided to make the covers from steel. I used Expanded metal for the top and angle iron for the frame. This kept the covers from becoming to heavy and allowed the light to pass through. This also kept the price very reasonable.
We were able to make covers for both egress windows for a total of $75.00. That is a savings of $425.00 from the cheapest ones I had found to buy.
Here are the plans I drew up prior to making the covers. They are 60" on the wide end, 50" on the narrow end, and 38" long.
/---------------------60 inch------------------------/
/--------------------50 inches--------------/