Thursday, October 4, 2012

Iowa Hawkeye Corn Hole Game

Well, it took me about 2 years, but I finally finished the Corn Hole Game my son Michael had ask me to make for him. ( I even remembered to take pictures during the entire project )

 I made these the standard size. 4ft long by 2ft wide. If you would like a little smaller set, that will fit easily  into your car, You can make them 3ft by 2ft.

 The top is made from 1/2" plywood.  I made sure the pieces that I cut were nice and square.  I then just added my 2x4  frame pieces to the top with wood glue and screws.

 After the frame was all put together, all the holes were filled with wood-filler.  This will give the top a smooth surface.  I like to use Elmer's wood glue and Elmer's stain-able wood-filler.

 Next, I used a 6" hole saw to put the center holes in. I also used my Black and Decker 1/2" Drill.  Make sure you have a good grip on your drill, a hole saw can take you for quite a ride if it catches.


 Next, comes the part I hate the worst. SANDING!!  I use a power sander to get the surface smooth. I like to use a hand sanding block to do the final sanding though.

 Now is my favorite part of any project. The finish work.  

 I used Krylon Gloss black spray paint to cover the entire board. The real challenge was to get the Hawkeye symbol to come out right.  Believe it or not, I had seen this Hawkeye Design on someones Facebook.

 I decided to take a file folder and cut the design out. I then taped it to the board and spray painted it yellow.


 As you can see in the picture above, I ended up with some over spray with the yellow. While I sat out in the yard one evening, I outlined all of the yellow and filled the black back in with a paint pen.

 I then taped over the design and put another coat of black paint over the entire board.

 Last, I sealed the board with Urethane. I really like to use the Minwax Spray Urethane. It comes in two types. One is for indoor use only.  I only buy the Helmsman in the green can. It is for indoor/outdoor use.

 I sprayed 3 coats of urethane on each board.


 Here are a couple simple drawings on how to make your own boards, and a detail on the folding legs.

 Thanks for following my blog. Hopefully you enjoy this project and give it a try.