Thursday, June 28, 2012

Deck Gate

 Even though it will be awhile before the Grandchildren are walking , Tracy and I want to be ready.

We decided that we needed a gate on the deck. This gate will also keep Meeka and Henry from running off when the kids are here with their dogs.

Brass hinges were used  to prevent rust in the winter and to keep the gate working smoothly.

The center post are inside of the 2 x 4's so the gate will open completely,

Google Sketchup is a free 3D drafting program. It's the program I use to draw my plans.

 To make your own deck gate, Just adjust the measurements to fit the opening on your deck or porch.


  1. Amazing job!! Looks even better in person!!

  2. Great inspiration for tackling my own deck gate. The Sketchup plans are very much appreciated!

  3. How were you able to nail the 2x2 pices to the 2x4 top and bottom frames

    1. I toe nailed the 2X2 pieces into place. I also used wood glue on them.

      I later decided it may have been easier to drill a hole through the 2x4 and countersink a screw into the 2x2's
